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Fall 2024 Lawyers of Tomorrow Scholarship Winner

Fall 2024 Winner: Hailey Drobushevich

Hailey is set to begin her law school career at Loyola University Chicago School of Law. Aiming to one day become a lawyer in Chicago, Hailey is ready to take on law school with the grit and determination that has already gotten her so far in life and academics. We congratulate Hailey and wish her all the best in the future.

Hailey Drobushevich

Read Hailey’s Essay:

Growing up, it took me a while to realize that not everyone had similar upbringings compared to myself. I knew my family was poor, but I did not understand that my experiences would affect my future as much as they have. Despite the challenges I’ve faced throughout my life, I have succeeded in undergrad and am starting law school in the fall. As a child, I lacked most of the material items and experiences my peers had. However, education and maintaining excellent grades has always been important to me. My mom instilled these values in me because she wanted me to have the things she did not, and getting an education was integral to achieving this goal. Growing up in poverty not only made me aware of social problems around me, but motivated me to better myself. I worked throughout school to support myself because I knew that having an education would be the only way for me to not struggle like my parents had my whole life. As an undergrad, I worked over 30 hours a week to support myself. While it is difficult to attend college full time while working these hours, it taught me valuable skills and life lessons that will stay with me forever. I have always been passionate about education. However, the struggle in the beginning of my undergrad career helped me realize I was pursuing a degree I was not passionate about. I switched my major to pre-law. Social justice has been important to me since I began learning about this topic in high school. Once I changed my major to Ethics and Public Policy my grades improved drastically and I started to enjoy my classes and the material. My passion for justice helped me to realize I wanted to pursue a career in law. I am starting law school in the fall at Loyola School of Law in Chicago. I am applying for scholarships to fund my education so that I can continue helping others and further my career. While in law school, I intend to fully engage in my coursework and spend more time gaining relevant experience. I not only have the motivation and determination to succeed in law, I can bring a perspective that I feel is lacking from higher education. Disadvantaged communities, including those coming from poverty, are largely excluded from higher education. I succeeded in completing my degree despite the challenges I faced and I know I will excel in a law program. Knowledge is one of the best tools you can have to navigate life. Without my Bachelor’s degree, I do not know where I would be today. Education has given me opportunities my family never had. I was able to move to multiple cities, I learned to live independently, and I currently have a job that provides me the opportunity to travel. However, where I am now is not where I want to be. Furthering my education would not only expand my opportunities, but give me the tools to protect myself and help others. Facing and overcoming adversity has encouraged me to chase my dreams

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